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How much does Amazon Connect cost ?

Amazon Connect is a pay-as-you-go cloud contact center service offering capabilities including telephony, chat, task management, customer profiles, and caller authentication, all powered by machine learning (ML). There are no required upfront payments, long-term commitments, or minimum monthly fees.

Amazon Connect costs can be found here

Cloud Contact Center Service – Amazon Connect Pricing – Amazon Web Services

How does Amazon Connect work with the AWS Eco-System ?

Easy integration with other AWS cloud services is a big differentiator in comparison to other Contact Centre platforms. Amazon Connect is an open API driven platform which is built to integrate. These AWS services can be easily accessed to build solutions. Examples include triggering an action to send a text message in a contact flow for proactively updating a customer using Amazon Pinpoint or accessing cloud data bases using Dynamo DB. There are many AWS services which integrate with Amazon Connect and this can be of particular value to organisations that are already using these AWS services for building and hosting business applications.

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